Sunday, January 25, 2009


Ciao! Well I made it to Italy but it still hasn't really sunk in. After a full 28 hours of travel and waiting I'm finally in a hostel in downtown Milan. I dealt with gate changes, flight delays, and even had to run to catch my connecting flight to Milan. Just when I was relaxing in my seat getting ready for the long flight, two of the flight attendants approached me and said slowly with a smirk, "Miss Meghan?" I thought I was in trouble of course but then as they milked it a little longer and asked me questions like was I missing anything-anything important. And yes they were loud and I was at the front of the plane so all eyes were on me. Well of course, I apparently dropped my passport in the previous plane I had just gotten off of, a flight attendant had sprinted to the gate and just caught it before it closed to make sure I got it....Whoops. I debated even telling my mother this happened cuz these are the things she warns me to be careful about, keep organized blah blah, and yes of course this happens to me.

Anyways, I arrived in Milan at 7:40 am which was like 12:40am at home. I was tired. I waited around the airport to meet up with two other girls from Madison and then we made our way to the hostel. Picture three girls(girls=overpacking), each with 2 huge 50lb. suitcases rolling behind them, backpack and handbags around the shoulder. We were a sight. We stopped traffic on both the sidewalk and streets(ie. suitcases falling into potholes, running into poles,etc) People were staring, laughing at us in their cars. Needless to say, we safely made it to our hostel. I don't have many pictures yet since my hands were full most of the day but here's one I took of! the streets in Milan - cobblestone roads and old buildings lining every road. Ahhh how gorgeous!



  1. Yikes Mugs! Starting out with a potential lost passport...that would not have been good! Glad to hear you got to Italy, we thought of you all day yesterday on our way home...Jamie and I even went out for Italian, even though it will not come close to the great food you will enjoy this semester! Love you lots!

  2. Megs,megs,megs...I'm happy to hear you have arrived with your 100 lbs. of luggage and PASSPORT! No more blah, blahing me-stay safe, get organized and get rid of all that luggage.
    We miss you lots!! Love Mom and Dad

  3. Mugs:
    How reassuring to hear that the honest people of your airlines got your passport back to you---just in time. Now keep it around your neck! How is the weather? You must take up road biking while in Italy-they are big in that field!

    Love, Dadio

  4. Hi Meghan!!! We are SOOO happy that you arrived safely! Remember that we love you and are praying for you every day! Enjoy every moment! xoxoxox
    Love you! Meg (and Ryan too!)

  5. Meghan,
    I am so excited for you to be studying and traveling in Italy and Europe and I love your blog. I will be following your experiences and wishing I was there (and as young). Remember my advice for traveling the streets of Chicago--just translate it into Italian. Love, Pat

  6. Meghan,
    Wow what a great experience. I agree with your dad (for once) keep that passport around your neck. There are some honest people out there. We will keep reading your venture.
    Diane and gang

  7. Hi Meghan,
    We am so glad that you arrived safe and sound, in spite of the passport debacle. I guess that passport wallet we lent you must not have been big enough, ha ha. Anyway, we will look forward to following your travels and keeping apprised of all you are doing. We are very excited for you but miss you here. Take care. Love, Deka and Steve

  8. Meghan,
    You're probably thinking enough about the passport, but it was a good "sign" that you got it returned safely. I'll enjoy following your travels. Sending love, prayers, and positive vibes.
    Love, Honey

  9. meghan!!

    everything sounds very exciting (EVENTFUL) so far! i hope you enjoy your first trip! say hi to munich for me!! sooooo jealous! take care of yourself! put up pictures often! keep us filled in on all the details!


    laura j.

  10. meghan! i talked to your dad today, he said you had a little bit of a rough start - losing the passport and all :) Im glad to see you arrived safe though! I can't wait to keep reading about your travels!! Have fun!
    love you!

  11. Meghan,
    Good news about the passport. Whew! Enjoy Italy. Your pictures are fabulous.

    Love, Uncle Tom
