Saturday, April 25, 2009

Time is Flying!!

My long anticipated wait for visitors has both come and gone in such a blur. The month of April just flew by! Now I'm back into school and studying, (I have only 4 weeks of class left actually), but I'm finding it even harder with the great summer weather we've been having here. I also blame the weather on why it's taken me so long to get another post on here - I've been getting e-mails and messages asking "when are you going to update your blog???" So I'll wrap up the last week with my parents and update you on where I'm heading next.
My parents and I certainly did a great job seeing all there is to see in Rome! The Colosseum, Roman Forum, Palatine Hill, Pantheon, Circus Massimus, Trevi Fountain, National Museum, The Vatican: Sistine Chapel, St. Peter's, Vatican Museum, and the Catacombs. We had wonderful sunny weather for all days but one when it was rainy, but we made use of a museum that day. Rome has so much to see and so much history it's almost overwhelming. We were actually even lucky enough to be there over the celebration weekend of when Rome was founded some 2760 years ago. Over the three days we were there, we took in so much information about the city, all the emperor's, and the buildings that I won't even begin to really tell you about it. That way, you'll just have to go there yourselves and learn about it :) Here's a little fact though - There is a legend about the Trevi Fountain (see my parents pictured by it) that if you throw a coin into it and make a wish, you are guarenteed a return visit to Rome in your lifetime. My parents threw one in so maybe you can arrange your trip over here with them?
With the extra days that they were back here in Milan before they left, we did a bit more exploring to the Scala Theater and of course ladies, my mother and I did some shopping :) (we left my dad to fend for himself and sent him off with some ice cream and told him to explore the Duomo some more) It was definitely the first time traveling with my parents where I wasn't just tagging along asking my mom what we're doing next. I've gained lots of traveling experience since I've been here and am used to having to find out where to go so most times I was the one leading my parents around with the map. To my parents defense, it can be tricky reading those maps, and finding those street names (Nazionale- got it yet dad?), and finding where one of your 4 pair of reading glasses are while carrying all our gear can just be a hassle. Sorry mom and dad:) You don't know how many pictures were taken and moments we had where one of them would say, "Oh Mugs, don't put that on your blog", or "You better not put that on the blog!!" All in all, I had such a great time with them and I found it hard saying bye. I only have 2 months left, but I was spoiled in the past 3 weeks having my visitors, that I was kind of getting used to having people from home around.
Now, like I said, I'm slowly wrapping up my semester of school. The weather has been pretty consistent in the low 70's everyday. My hypothesis is that Italians are all cold-blooded because they STILL have not put away their coats and are wearing their sweaters and pants! I asked an Italian in one of my groups for a class about it, and he said that this isn't that hot yet. The real summer weather hits in July and August when it's normal for it to get over about 105 degrees here everyday. I will be home by the time July gets here - phew.
I have also been planning the last few trips for my remaining months here. So far I have trips to Barcelona, Amsterdam, and Sorento/Capri/Pompeii planned. I'll also be spending my birthday with 9 others in Greece in a villa we rented for a week right on the sea coast. :) A little relaxing beach vacation in between finals. I'm heading home June 30th and although it seems like ages away...I know it's going to creep up on me and before I know it my semester abroad will be over. I hope all is well in the U. S. of A. I saw you all got your own little taste of summer 80 degree yesterday....but today I saw that it's...well you're all there I won't even say :) Ciao Ciao! Love from Italy!


  1. Hi Meghan,
    Andrew didn't even have to tell me about the update of your blog. I knew it before he had a chance to let me know. It looks like you had a blast with your parents and your photos were fantastic as usual. I particularly loved the perspective of the coliseum at night. It is hard to believe you are heading towards the tail end of your journey in Milan and your other travels, but it sounds like you have lots of great trips planned ahead. Can't wait to hear about them as well. Miss you here, Deka and Steve

  2. Mego,

    Another top notch blog...your writing and photography skills are amazing! This is one of the greatest study abroad blogs in the world, and I'm honored I was lucky enough to be featured in it. Your personality comes to life in every word, keep up the great work!


    your neighbor andrew

  3. Meghan, You have now covered more places and sites in Europe than I have in traveling in 40 years! I hear that your Italian is excellent according to those that you have served as a tour guide for. Greece sounds awesome and I am glad to know that you are hitting the books too. Maybe an international job is in your future. One reason that I have not commented on your blog as much is because it is boring here compared to there. Am buying a new camera for the Baltic trip due to seeing your pictures and I am scheduled for another trip late Sept to the eastern Mediterranean--you are my new role model!
    Love, Pat

  4. Mugsy Mugsy Mugsy... I really can't tell you how happy I am everytime I see a new post on here! I feel like I have actually been to a few european locations; your writing is just amazing! I can't wait for you to come back stateside, but you for sure don't seem as far away thanks to this blog. Please keep up the posts so I have something interesting to read during exams, haha. I am very excited to hear about your upcoming trips! Have fun and soak up the sun!(hopefully the weather is already better)

    -Anonymous (haha, Dmac)

  5. Meghan:
    Wonderful to see you appreciated the visit of your parents, they appear to be such an interesting, gifted, and youthful looking couple-you are so blessed! Your travels will serve you well through your years. The wealth of international knowledge you are accumulating in Europe can only assist you in the business world of today. Remember to study now that you are on the home stretch of your semester. By the way, the pictures you've posted on your last update are of exceptional quality. Did you have the assistance of a professional photographer with them or are your skills just improving?! Your Italian Admirer

  6. Hey Mugs! The pictures of you with Mom and Dad are great, and it looks like you had a great time. Both Mom and Dad were telling me stories and about the great time they had. Can't wait till Jamie and I get over to Europe to see some of those amazing site, but you're blog will have to do for now! Love ya sis

  7. Meghan,

    Thank you for a wonderful time in Italy! Dad and I loved being with you. You're right, vacations have changed, I no longer felt like I was in charge. It felt great to pass the torch to you. We felt like we were in great hands! When we were saying goodbye to you I felt like that little old Italian lady at the bus station-I didn't want to let you go either!!
    Thanks for a great vacation, lots of good memories, and great company!!!!!

    Miss you and love you lots!
    Mom and Dad

  8. Hey Meghan,
    It was great to see more pictures and some familiar faces in them. The after-effects of a romantic holiday are still with your parents! I saw them smooching at the windmill in Cedar Grove. I hear their next destination is Mc Donalds in Belgium. We actually saw them Friday night and got to hear all about their trip and saw the oil painting they bartered for. I know even with all the sites they took in they were most happiest to see you, and know that you are doing well!
    There is not too much excitement going on here...we are still waiting for spring, it has been cold and rainy! We look forward to seeing you in a few months! Keep blogging!
    Love, Betsy

  9. Meghan,
    I absolutely love reading your blog and seeing your photos. You could be a tour guide. I know your parents had a fabulous time, and I loved the photos. I wonder who is the "relative" who referred to them as the youthful, gifted parents! Enjoy your time, and can't wait to see you in July at Chris' wedding. Love, Honey

  10. Who is that guy with the camera around his neck? He looks like a tourist!

  11. I have an idea for you for christmas for your mom...the little chains you wear around your neck to hold your glasses...that way she'll always have her readers. Maybe Vera has some new- up to fashion standards-ones. I know they have glasses, so why not the accessories to go with them?!


  13. meeeeephan! would you mind wandering around milan with a camera....maybe take some pictures of your EVERYDAY life....give us a rundown of a typical day? puh puh puh pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee! miss you!

  14. (as dictated by dmac) Dearest Meghan,

    This is so hard for me to say. I'm trying to use my words... but I have so many emotions bubbling right now. It looks as if you had a great time with your parents, however the circle wishes that you were here with us. And sooner rather than later you'll be galavanting across the country visiting HIlary in the land of the little pink house. Wow, it smells like dryer sheets in here. Did you really type that? (Sorry Dan is typing everything KK is saying). Anyhosier, I hope you have a wonderful trip to the setting of Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (I & II). Ride on a donkey for me.

    Love Your American Stalker (Kristin K as told to Dmac)

  15. ooooo, and i just realized that because I typed this instead of kk i love you more than she does


  16. Hi Meghan - What a great time you must have had with your parents!!! Sounds like you have great plans coming up too!!! You are going to be so bored back in the States!! Thanks for putting on the "kissing picture" (sort of) of your parents. I was expecting more....!!!! Your pictures are all fantastic. What great memories you will have. Love, Sue

  17. I can't believe you're still giving excuses for late work!
    I've really enjoyed the updates and the pictures. When are you going to take orders for bringing things back? I'd like some wine, some chocolate and some wine please.
    Chris Nonhof

  18. MEEEPH!! Your pictures are aMAZing and I felt so cool because I could look at them and be like I saw that... from a car and was told to take a picture out the window quickly. It was still cool :)The Sistine Chapel was unbelievable, right? I jacked some pictures of the ceiling through my friend's hair... they didn't come out so well. Having your parents there looks like it was so much fun, and your birthday in Greece sounds like it's going to be ridiculous. You rented a villa on the ocean? MEGHAN! That's too cool. Your life is too cool right now. I can't WAIT for you guys to come and visit me (seriously, I'm going to start a countdown calendar right... now).Ahhhh I love this blog and I love YOU!!! Please continue to be awesome.
    Love, Phil (Hilary, for those people who don't know that I only have male nicknames)

  19. you have been to so many amazing places. am glad that you got to travel around as much as you did. do you think you will try and stay through the summer or come back? kristen

  20. Hi Meghan, Have been following your adventures since "Aunt Pat" gave me your blog info. What a wonderful time you are having!! And, isn't traveling educational and interesting??? Your photos are wonderful, also, it will be difficult for you to come back to the USA and settle into some routine here!! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. (Pat's friend, Joan D. - who sometimes visits that wonderful lakefront cottage.)

  21. Hey Mugsy, i hope you're still loving italian life... wish you were coming to mifflin in the morning! Maybe we'll bring you and Hilary around with us (in spirit and cardboard form) haha. I am so excited that we finally found some days for our trip to work for everyone!!! Very pumped to read your next post!


  22. Hi Megs,
    I'm off to a baby shower for Abbie-we'll be thinking of you!!


  23. Hey Meghan! Just a little note of love to tell you we're thinking of you and SO enjoy looking at your pictures over and over! : )
    Know that you're loved and missed,
    Megan (and Ryan too!)
