Monday, February 2, 2009


While many people are probably gathering to watch the Superbowl right now, I'm sitting in a hostel lobby in London while it is practically blizzarding outside. I thought I left Wisconsin? I thought I should update you before we leave the UK and head over to Germany tomorrow. On the first day we arrived we wandered through the National Historical Museum and the 5 girls went to a show. We saw Avenue Q, which was a comical show that involved puppets and lots of vulgar humor - look it up, it was great! Then that night we went out and met up with a lot of other Wisconsin students that are studying abroad here.
The next day we went on a walking tour of the west side of the city, which included Buckingham Palace, the home of Prince Charles' and Harry and William, Green Park, Big Ben, House of Parliment, and Westminster Abbey. After the tour we were even able to stick around for an hour and get into the Abbey for a free evensong service by the Westminster Choir. It was absolutely breathtaking!
Today we planned on taking a train out to see Windsor Castle, but the trains were having some problems and we got there hmmm, I'd say like 4 minutes after the castle closed.:( But it was still cool to see and we had a good meal out there. Tonight we walked around in the snow (made for some gorgeous pics) and saw the Tower of London and London Bridge. We also did some research and were able to walk down where they filmed Diagon Alley and we saw Gringotts (Harry Potter fans?) There's a lot to see here and I've enjoyed it all so maybe I'll be making a trip back here. We are getting up early tomorrow to head out to the airport and off for Munich. Snow is still coming down really heavily so hopefully no flights are cancelled or delayed! If you have facebook, try and check out my other pictures because I can only upload so many on here. Ciao!


  1. Hey Meghan,

    I sure hope when Dad and I come you will be our tour guide! Abbie and Jamie showed me all the other pictures on facebook. I think I need a facebook account! Could you handle that?? I feel you have been gone for weeks with all your travels. How exciting! Love you, Mom

  2. Hi Meghan,
    Whatever camera your brought with you takes the most beautiful photos. They are just spectacular. I am just loving seeing everything! Too bad about the weather. I guess you just can't escape our lovely Wisconsin weather, except that we've had any snow lately, thank goodness. Thanks again for keeping us posted. It looks like all of your sightseeing is amazing.Continue to have a great time! Deka

  3. Hi Meghan! Your trips sound and look so amazing. It takes me back to when I was in college doing the same. Such a fun time. I too fell in love with Venice. Kind of ironic I married a guy with that last name. Anyway, if you are serious about someday buying a vacation place there, I will go in on it with you :) I am so excited that you get to travel around Europe. Enjoy every second! How awesome!! Love, Kristen
