Sunday, March 1, 2009

Weekend in Switzerland

I have just gotten back from spending my weekend in Interlaken, Switzerland. Another beautiful small town that should be on everyone's travel list! It's a fairly small town in the Alps that pretty much runs on people coming through to either go skiing, hiking, paragliding, skydiving, and tons of other extreme sports. I unfortunately didn't do anything that extreme, but maybe next time? We took a train up to Switzerland(about a 3 hour ride)on Friday morning and then spent the day there going into little shops and took a hike out to one of the surrounding lakes. At our hostel, there were 2 guys from Ireland in our room so we ended up going out for dinner with them. Over the course of the meal we learned from them what an "American" accent sounds like...but we were sure to return the favor and gave them a taste of their own "toppa the morning to ya" accents as well.
Saturday morning, one of my friends headed out skiing with our Irish friends, while another friend and I signed up for a snowshoeing trek in the mountains. Unfortunately, they didn't have enough to make a whole group so we decided to rent some hiking boots and make our own little excursion. I know what many of you are probably saying, "How can you go to Switzerland, the Alps, and not go skiing?" Well I have actually never been downhill skiing before. I didn't want to be miserable and have my first time in the Alps. My one friend who has skiied a few times and went this weekend had a blast, but said it was a lot harder than she was expecting. I'll go back someday and ski:) Anyways, we took a train up into the mountains and got dropped off in a small town called Wengen. We took off from there onto some hiking trails and made it to some great picturesque views in the Alps. At some point we went off road a bit and climbed up to a ledge where there was a small railing between us and a complete drop off! Then we made our way up to a skiing hill and enjoyed a few more pictures and views up there. The ironic thing about being in the mountains was that we were surrounded by very deep snow, yet it was beautiful out and sunny to the point where we didn't even need jackets most of the time. On the ski hill there are even deck chairs for people to lay out on and just from being up there I got some color. Who needs beaches, just go to the Alps!
I bought my first and very own bright pink Swiss army knife and indulged in some famous and delicious Swiss chocolate (how could I not?) Again, an amazing trip. It's hard to think I'm already over a month done with my abroad experience and still there's so much more I want to see. Just to give you guys a preview, here are some of the things I have planned for this month: AC Milan soccer game this next weekend(David Beckham will hopefully be playing), possible day trip to Bologna, Italy, a trip to Rome to see the Rome Marathon and do the Marathon's 4K "fun run" through the ruins, and then I'll be ending the month with a trip to Paris. I'm also looking forward to visits from my boyfriend at the end of the month and my lovely parents in April. Anyone else want to come for a visit? :)


  1. Wow, gorgeous pictures Meghan!! I wish I could've spent more time with you this weekend :(

    -Stocky Cocky

  2. Yes, I want to come with your parents in April...I look forward to seeing your new pictures and reading your journal every week! The pictures are just beautiful and you look pretty good yourself! How did you ever jump that high in the snow? I do want to go to Venice and've made them both sound so appealing! Have a good week.
    Love, Betsy

  3. Hi Megs,

    I too am soo enjoying your adventures! Your pictures make Dad and I anxious for our trip. Oh, the places you go! Looks like you've been working on that vertical leap!! I'd love to bring Betsy with on our trip--but I'm not sure the Dad/Betsy combo would be good -they bring out the worst in each other--(sorry Betsy!!) I'll take another trip with you.

    Love and Miss you,

  4. Mugs:
    Looks like a great time in the Alps. Everyone, including me, are living a lttle dream through your adventures, so keep it up. Your writings and stories are wonderful, not to mention the pictures. How are the trains to travel on, comfortable? I hope your keeping a journal of all your visits so you can narrate sories along with your pictures when you come home and give us a slide show, or i guess its called power point now--I'm dating myself. One more thing. I did not get a chance to warn you about the IRISH people before you left, but just let me say my dealings with them here in the states has been nothing but trouble-let me tell you!!! Anyway-when are you visiting the UKRAINE?

    Love You!! Dadio

  5. Ryan and I would love to visit too Meghan!!! Maybe dad and mom can fit us in their suit cases??? ; )

    Love you lots! Thank you for the awesome pics! xo, Meg

  6. Hey Mugs- Great pictures and narratives of your seem to be having a great time. I can't believe how fast the time is going, before you know it Andrew and mom and dad will be visiting! Wish I could come to visit too! If anything it has made Jamie and I both want to get to Europe to sightsee! Talk to you soon sis!
